『官方』万科中铁建·朗诗花语售楼处发布: 线上预约.享团购优惠!|梅陇|开发商线上
发布日期:2025-01-04 12:01 点击次数:111
闵行梅陇 15号线地铁盘「万科中铁建·朗诗花语 」售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。万科中铁建朗诗花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!建面约85-135㎡3-4房15号线地铁旁 房源约1600套+均价7.5万/㎡ 精装修交付积分友好!600万级买梅陇!售楼处线上火热预约今年4月21日,上海第一批次土地出让最后一天,梅陇社区MHP0-0306单元5-3、6-3、5-5、6-5地块,万科旗下上海万怡景置业有限公司与中国铁建旗下中铁房地产集团华东有限公司组成的联合体以75.486亿元竞得该地块。地块房地联动价75000元/㎡。地块位置:东至贤学路、南至银都路、西至普旺路、北至贤荟路,分为四幅小地块:梅陇社区MHP0-0306单元5-3、6-3、5-5、6-5地块。效果示意图「万科中铁建朗诗花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334中国铁建&万科梅陇项目位处闵行区春申板块—梅陇新中心核心启动区,是板块内6年中呈现的第二个项目;由双世界500强中国铁建与万科共同匠造,也是双品牌产品系在上海的第一次碰撞。项目规划总体量逾16万方滨水大城,作为低密区中难得的高层大盘,拟建18幢17-26F主力为约85-135㎡3至4房产品,为梅陇及周边板块提供了更丰富、更多元的人居选择。各地块基本参数:5-3地块,普通商品房用地,容积率2.5,限高80米,住宅套数下限390套;5-5地块,普通商品房用地,容积率2.5,限高80米,住宅套数下限259套;6-3地块,普通商品房用地,容积率2.5,限高80米,住宅套数下限578套;6-5地块,普通商品房用地,容积率2.5,限高80米,住宅套数下限489套;竞得房企:万科+中国铁建成交总价:75.4亿成交楼板价:46402元/㎡溢价率:9%土地性质:住宅计容面积:162678㎡容积率:2.5套数:1716套套均面积:95㎡房地联动价:75000元/㎡根据项目规划设计方案,项目拟建20幢17-26层高层住宅。而产品方面,主推建面约85-138㎡3-3+1房。首开户型中建面约86㎡、建面约95㎡3房为主力,总价约600万级,首开楼幢:1、3、6、8、14这5幢楼!官方户型图如下:2023上海里程碑新作:双世界500强中国铁建与万科,以花语系和拾系,联袂构建一座16万方滨水大城,为上海呈现一部里程碑作品。同时将花语倡导的“亲近自然的慢调、优雅的生活”和拾“推动着人主动发现、主动参与、主动拥抱生活,回应都市中未被满足的心情”相结合,更迭当代生活方式,倡导慢生活理念,焕新全城的想象与期待。花语系实景图拾系实景图约16万方滨水大盘 塑造美好人居依托春申塘和西马屯泾汇聚而成的“T”型水域,沿河打造约16万方滨水大城,舒朗排布与错动的建筑,让居者更近亲水岸生活体验,形成都市中的一座水上自然岛屿。隐谧精致的超级领域:在繁华都市中创造自然宁谧的居住体验,通过局部内退方式,在社区边界退让出可改造空间,将更多空间用于营造转角广场、口袋公园,勾画出一座都市的“超级领域”,让快节奏的生活优雅的慢下来。效果示意图精奢静雅的当代质感以同步国际的质感、美学为基底,兼顾品质的精研、材质的臻选以及细节的演绎,同时于归家动线上打造了度假酒店般的落客空间,让归家充满仪式感和雅奢美学时尚呈现。效果示意图以自然作为设计语言运用光线、水、植物等元素,并萃取高端酒店设计,呈现更多自然、舒适且松弛的多元生活状态,在社区内打造静心庭院、水榭林间、微风草坪等松弛雅奢的都市谧境。效果示意图一体化的定制空间将精致的生活理念,贯穿于建筑、景观、室内等各个组成部分。户型空间的一体化定制,以厅厨为核心的公共空间强调空间的可塑性,呈现更多愉悦、舒适、优雅的生活真意。效果示意图中国物业管理行业领跑者 万科物业· 连续第十年蝉联中国物业服务百强企业综合实力TOP1· 连续六年蝉联“中国房地产开发企业500强首选物业品牌”榜首,服务1800+项目· 连续三年获得“中国特色物业服务领先企业——企业总部基地”荣誉称号项目属于闵行梅陇板块,位于外环旁。梅陇板块周边开发比较早,像春申景城一期大概是2005年的,这一带早就成熟了。板块内还聚集了20多个新老楼盘,规模达170万方,关键是住宅品质、居住环境比较突出。闵行梅陇由沪闵、虹梅和外环三座高架围合而成,经典地标除了锦江乐园,就只剩高架。不过就在前不久,闵行2035规划正式发布,梅陇中部将提升为闵行新中心啦!这个曾不被人看好的老街,就要“起飞”了!近几年来,闵行的莘庄、七宝、古美等一个接一个出圈,各种商业、教育等资源配套越来越成熟,发展能力有目共睹。如今,眼见着闵行可供开发的土地越来越少,区域发展重心来到了梅陇!这个地处徐汇闵行交界处的传统板块,曾是闵行工业集中区,聚集了大量的外来务工人员、流动人口,也占据很好的地理位置:南边是紫竹科技园、北边是虹桥开发区,是上海南向拓展带的重要节点。早前,闵行2035规划全新公布,梅陇地区也再次被提上日程——中部地区被定位为“闵行新中心”,规划范围东至景洪路、南至银都路、西至梅富路、北至梅南路-春申塘,总用地面积约118万㎡!根据规划,梅陇板块主要将包括22幅经营性用地,其中15幅为商办混合用地,总建筑面积约147万㎡;另外7幅为住宅用地,总建筑面积约38万㎡。未来,整个梅陇中心将采用TOD集聚开发的模式,联合北部众欣产业园区整体转型以及东部机场联络线华泾站周边地区,同时结合公共空间打造独具梅陇特色的15分钟生活样板区。不仅如此,梅陇未来的产业发展能级也是肉眼可见地高高高啊!上海力波效果图区域内目前已经有6幢税收过亿的“亿元楼”,超135家高新技术企业。2025年前还将陆续建成梅陇众欣产业园、上海力波、华鑫天地、品域上高地、信泰海梦城、优享里等14个产业转型项目。到那时,整个梅陇的城市面貌将截然不同。莲花路车站大楼商业项目效果图闵行2035总规将梅陇中部地区提升为闵行的地区中心,随着周边轨道交通15号线、机场联络线和19号线的规划建设,地区区位和交通优势进一步凸显。梅陇新中心城市设计效果图,天桥视角,图片来源于今日闵行交通方面:项目距离轨道交通15号线虹梅南路站仅约500米,周边有162路、714路、729路、闵行14路、闵行31路等多条公交路线。商业方面:项目周边整体规划业态不仅包含高品质住宅、酒店、商业、文化体育、休闲娱乐等,还将在虹梅南路两侧构建疏密有致、高低有序的建筑群。其中,核心区将新建两栋高120米的双子塔,建成后将成为区域全新地标门户。教育方面:项目周边有闵行区实验小学、曹行小学、蔷薇小学、民办弘梅小学、民办育苗小学、莘松中学、曹行中心幼儿园、春申景城幼儿园等闵行梅陇朗诗花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334建面约85-135㎡3-4房!均价7.5万/㎡!朗诗花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334朗诗花语闵行梅陇 15号线地铁盘「万科中铁建·朗诗花语 」售楼处电话:400-886-2334(预约热线)如有问题欢迎来电咨询,专业一对一热情服务,让您用专业眼光去买房。万科中铁建朗诗花语售楼处电话:400-886-2334【售楼热线】营销中心热线400-886-2334售楼处地址400-886-2334,本电话为开发商提供线上售楼电话,楼盘项目全面介绍(包含楼盘详情,最新房价,户型图,容积率,小区配套环境,楼盘简介,售楼处位置,户型图,交通规划,备案价,项目配套,楼盘详情,售楼处电话,最新消息,最新详情,最新进展等详情咨询)免责声明:将文章内容综合来源于网络、只作分享,版权归原作者所有!!如有侵权,请联系我们,我们第一时间处理!Minhang Meilong Line 15 Subway Panel"Vanke China Railway Construction · Langshi Huayu"Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Vanke China Railway Construction Langshi Huayu Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers and comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including details of the real estate, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratio, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, details, latest progress, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!Building area of approximately 85-135 square meters, 3-4 roomsApproximately 1600 units of houses next to the subway on Line 15+Average price of 75000 yuan/square meter for fine decoration deliveryPoints friendly! Buy Meilong for 6 million yuan!Online hot booking at the sales officeOn April 21st this year, the last day of the first batch of land transfer in Shanghai, the MHP0-0306 units 5-3, 6-3, 5-5, and 6-5 plots in Meilong Community were won by a consortium consisting of Vanke's Shanghai Wanyijing Real Estate Co., Ltd. and China Railway Construction's China Railway Real Estate Group East China Co., Ltd. for 7.5486 billion yuan. The linkage price between land and land on the plot is 75000 yuan/square meter.The plot is located east to Xianxue Road, south to Yindu Road, west to Puwang Road, and north to Xianhui Road, divided into four small plots: MHP0-0306 Unit 5-3, 6-3, 5-5, and 6-5 plots in Meilong Community.Effect diagramVanke China Railway Construction Longshi Huayu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334 China Railway Construction&Vanke Meilong Project is located in the core launch area of Meilong New Center in Chunshen District, Minhang District. It is the second project presented in the area in 6 years. It is jointly crafted by China Railway Construction and Vanke, a Fortune 500 company, and also the first collision of the dual brand product line in Shanghai.editeditThe total planned volume of the project is over 160000 square meters in the waterfront city. As a rare high-rise development in the low-density area, it is planned to build 18 buildings with 17-26F main units of approximately 85-135 square meters of 3-4 bedroom products, providing more diverse and diverse living options for Meilong and surrounding areas.editBasic parameters of each plot:edit5-3 plots, ordinary commercial housing land, with a plot ratio of 2.5, a height limit of 80 meters, and a minimum of 390 residential units;editeditedit5-5 plots, ordinary commercial housing land, with a plot ratio of 2.5, a height limit of 80 meters, and a minimum of 259 residential units;6-3 plots, ordinary commercial housing land, with a plot ratio of 2.5, a height limit of 80 meters, and a minimum of 578 residential units;6-5 plots, ordinary commercial housing land, with a plot ratio of 2.5, a height limit of 80 meters, and a minimum of 489 residential units;Winning real estate companies: Vanke+China Railway ConstructionTotal transaction price: 7.54 billion yuanTransaction floor price: 46402 yuan/square meterPremium rate: 9%Land nature: residentialCapacity area: 162678 square metersPlot ratio: 2.5Number of sets: 1716 setsAverage floor area: 95 square metersReal estate linkage price: 75000 yuan/square meterAccording to the project planning and design scheme, the project plans to build 20 high-rise residential buildings with floors 17-26.In terms of products, the main promotion area is approximately 85-138 square meters with 3-3+1 rooms. The main focus of the first floor plan is a three bedroom apartment with a building area of approximately 86 square meters and a building area of approximately 95 square meters, with a total price of approximately 6 million yuan. The first floor plan includes five buildings: 1, 3, 6, 8, and 14!The official layout diagram is as follows:editediteditedit2023 Shanghai milestone new work:editeditChina Railway Construction and Vanke, among the Fortune Global 500 companies, have teamed up to build a 160000 square meter waterfront city using the Huayu and Shixi styles, presenting a milestone project for Shanghai. At the same time, combining the "slow paced and elegant lifestyle close to nature" advocated by Huayu with the "driving people to actively discover, participate, embrace life, and respond to the unsatisfied emotions in the city", we will replace contemporary lifestyles, advocate the concept of slow living, and revitalize the imagination and expectations of the entire city.editeditediteditediteditRealistic Scenery of Flower Language DepartmentShi Series Realistic PictureediteditApproximately 160000 square meters of waterfront development, shaping a beautiful living environmenteditediteditRelying on the "T" shaped water area formed by the convergence of Chunshen Pond and Ximatun Jing, a waterfront city of about 160000 square meters is built along the river. The comfortable layout and staggered buildings allow residents to experience waterfront life more closely, forming a natural island on the water in the city.editHidden and Exquisite Super Realm: Create a natural and peaceful living experience in bustling cities. Through local retreat, create transformable spaces at the community boundaries, and use more space to create corner squares and pocket parks, outlining the "super realm" of a city and slowing down the fast-paced lifestyle elegantly.Effect diagrameditThe contemporary texture of luxury and eleganceeditBased on the synchronous international texture and aesthetics, we balance the refinement of quality, the selection of materials, and the interpretation of details. At the same time, we have created a vacation hotel like drop off space on the return route, making the return home full of ceremony and elegant luxury aesthetics fashion presentation.editEffect diagramUsing nature as a design languageeditBy utilizing elements such as light, water, and plants, and extracting high-end hotel designs, we present a more natural, comfortable, and relaxed diverse lifestyle. We create a relaxed and luxurious urban tranquility in the community, such as serene courtyards, water pavilions, forests, and breeze lawns.editEffect diagramIntegrated customized spaceeditIntegrate exquisite living concepts into various components such as architecture, landscape, and interior. The integrated customization of the layout space, with the hall and kitchen as the core, emphasizes the plasticity of the public space, presenting more joyful, comfortable, and elegant life meanings.editEffect diagramVanke Property, a leader in China's property management industryedit·For the tenth consecutive year, it has been ranked as one of the top 100 Chinese property service enterprises in terms of comprehensive strengthedit·Ranked first on the "Top 500 Chinese Real Estate Development Enterprises' Preferred Property Brands" for six consecutive years, serving over 1800 projects·Received the honorary title of "Leading Enterprise in Property Services with Chinese Characteristics - Enterprise Headquarters Base" for three consecutive yearsThe project belongs to the Meilong section of Minhang, located next to the outer ring road. The development around the Meilong area was relatively early, and the first phase of the Chunshen Jingcheng project was around 2005, indicating that this area has long been mature. There are also more than 20 new and old real estate projects gathered within the sector, with a scale of 1.7 million square meters. The key is the outstanding residential quality and living environment.Minhang Meilong is surrounded by three elevated buildings: Humin, Hongmei, and Outer Ring Road. Apart from Jinjiang Park, the classic landmarks are only elevated. However, recently, the Minhang 2035 plan was officially released, and the central part of Meilong will be upgraded to a new center in Minhang! This once unpopular old street is about to take off!editIn recent years, Xinzhuang, Qibao, Gumei and others in Minhang have emerged one after another, and various commercial and educational resources have become increasingly mature, demonstrating their development capabilities. Nowadays, as there is less and less land available for development in Minhang, the focus of regional development has shifted to Meilong!editThis traditional Bankuai, located at the junction of Xuhui and Minhang, was once a Minhang industrial concentration area, gathering a large number of migrant workers and floating population. It also occupies a good geographical position: to the south is the Zizhu Science and Technology Park, and to the north is the Hongqiao Development Zone, which is an important node in Shanghai's southward expansion zone.editEarlier, the Minhang 2035 plan was newly announced, and the Meilong area was once again put on the agenda - the central region was positioned as the "new center of Minhang", with a planned area of approximately 1.18 million square meters, stretching from Jinghong Road in the east, Yindu Road in the south, Meifu Road in the west, and Meinan Road to Chunshentang in the north!According to the plan, the Meilong area will mainly include 22 pieces of commercial land, of which 15 pieces are mixed use land, with a total construction area of approximately 1.47 million square meters; The other 7 are residential land with a total construction area of approximately 380000 square meters.editIn the future, the entire Meilong Center will adopt the TOD cluster development model, in conjunction with the overall transformation of the North Zhongxin Industrial Park and the surrounding area of the East Airport Connection Line Huajing Station, while creating a unique 15 minute living model area with Meilong characteristics in public spaces.editNot only that, the future industrial development level of Meilong is also visibly high!editShanghai Libo renderingeditThere are currently 6 buildings with a tax revenue of over 100 million yuan and over 135 high-tech enterprises in the region. By 2025, 14 industrial transformation projects will be successively built, including Meilong Zhongxin Industrial Park, Shanghai Libo, Huaxin Tiandi, Pinyu Shangdi, Xintai Haimengcheng, and Youxiangli. By then, the entire urban landscape of Meilong will be completely different.Renderings of Lianhua Road Station Building Commercial ProjecteditThe Minhang 2035 General Plan elevates the central Meilong region to the regional center of Minhang. With the planning and construction of surrounding rail transit lines 15, airport connecting lines, and 19, the regional location and transportation advantages are further highlighted.The urban design rendering of Meilong New Center, from the perspective of an overpass, sourced from Minhang todayeditIn terms of transportation, the project is only about 500 meters away from Hongmei South Road Station on Line 15 of the rail transit system. There are multiple bus routes around, including 162, 714, 729, Minhang 14, and Minhang 31.editIn terms of business: The overall planning of the surrounding areas of the project not only includes high-quality residential, hotel, commercial, cultural and sports, leisure and entertainment, but also will build a dense and orderly architectural complex on both sides of Hongmei South Road. Among them, two twin towers with a height of 120 meters will be newly built in the core area, which will become a brand new landmark gateway in the region after completion.In terms of education, the surrounding areas of the project include Minhang Experimental Primary School, Caohang Primary School, Rose Primary School, Private Hongmei Primary School, Private Yumiao Primary School, Xinsong Middle School, Caohang Central Kindergarten, Chunshen Jingcheng Kindergarten, etcMinhang Meilong Langshi Huayu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334, with a floor area of approximately 85-135 square meters, 3-4 rooms! The average price is 75000 yuan per square meter!editLangshi Huayu Sales Office Phone: 400-886-2334Langshi Flower LanguageeditMinhang Meilong Line 15 Subway Panel"Vanke China Railway Construction · Langshi Huayu"Sales office phone number: 400-886-2334 (appointment hotline)If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to buy a house with a professional perspective.Vanke China Railway Construction Langshi Huayu Sales Office Hotline: 400-886-2334 [Sales Hotline] Marketing Center Hotline: 400-886-2334 Sales Office Address: 400-886-2334. This phone number provides developers with online sales phone numbers and comprehensive introductions to real estate projects (including details of the real estate, latest house prices, layout plans, plot ratio, community supporting environment, real estate introduction, sales office location, layout plan, transportation planning, filing price, project supporting facilities, real estate details, sales office phone numbers, latest news, details, latest progress, etc.)Disclaimer: The article content is sourced from the internet and is only for sharing. The copyright belongs to the original author!! If there is any infringement, please contact us and we will handle it as soon as possible!